Pure Petty, the World's #1 Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers Concert Experience performs LIVE at The Westcott Theater on September 20th!
At the forefront of legendary Rock and Roll bands, you are sure to find Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers. Their songs are woven into the fabric of the American identity.
While we lost Tom in 2017, his spirit, energy and sheer love of Rock & Roll live on in the performances of Pure Petty, which delivers the premier Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers experience. It’s one that can make even die-hard fans feel like they are at an actual Tom Petty concert.
Pure Petty was formed in 2019 by life long, accomplished musicians hailing from the Philadelphia area. Jimmy Mannix (Tom Petty) performed for years in numerous bands and would consistently be reminded of his uncanny vocal and physical resemblance to Petty. Eventually this sparked a discussion in one of his more recent bands about starting a Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers tribute band.
Being a highly regarded musician, Jimmy was able to pull talent from other bands, surrounding himself with only the top musicians in the area, including his brother Joe on drums and Kathy Mattson whose vocals take Pure Petty to a level well above the rest. Her performances of Stevie Nicks / Tom Petty duets on songs like “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around” and “Insider” are spot on and mesmerizing!
Once everyone was in place, the first rehearsal was magic and they knew they had something special!
Pure Petty's mission has been to recreate the music of Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers with precision, intense attention to detail and unswerving respect for a revered musical legacy. Everyone's parts are intensely studied, down to the inflections in the way each word of every lyric is sung. Close your eyes and you won't know the difference. Open them and you still might be fooled!
Pure Petty pays tribute to one of the greatest American singer-songwriters of all time by delivering an astounding and memorable salute to the musical legacy of Tom Petty via a second-to-none, high-energy performance that leaves wildly enthusiastic, multi-generational crowds craving more!
That’s why the band has earned a reputation as one of the most popular tribute acts in the Philadelphia/tri-state area, and why it’s rapidly gaining recognition in other regions.